Student Solution


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Ch 02 Discussion

02 Discussion

Q Quinley and her husband, customers at Greenway Supermarkets, purchased several pounds of filet mignon and checked out their purchases at the newly installed self-scanners. The price listed on the packages of meat totaled $38; however when Quinley swiped the packages through the self-scanners, it indicated a price of only $6. Quinley believed that she should inform management at the supermarket that the computer in the self-scanner had been incorrectly programmed with respect to the price of the product. However, Quinly's husband argued that, since the store would be legally obligated to charge the lower price, it was not necessary to call attention to the error. Is Quinly correct in her belief that the ethical course of action is to inform the store? Discuss.

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I think that Quinley is correct in her belief that the ethical course of action is to inform the store management of Greenway Supermarkets. This is because of the aspect that first of all, Greenway Supermarkets would be informed about the faulty and the inaccurate scanner which meant that Greenway Supermarkets would be able to change its inaccurate scanner as soon as possible so that no other customer would be harassed or would have to spend time in calculating and informing about the problem with the scanner to Greenway Supermarkets. Had Quinley been unethical, then she would have tried to not inform Greenway Supermarkets and then try to pay less for the products selected for purchasing (Liuzzo & Bonnice, 2016).